The first symposium took place in conjunction with the BPM 2017 conference in Barcelona. On Monday, September 11, 2017, all research partners of the research community that were present at the BPM conference, met. This symposium provided the opportunity to meet the different partners in person.
Further, during the 2017 annual meeting of the IEEE Task Force on Process Mining, the research community was presented by Mieke Jans. This exposure led to the identification of additional research partners of the following universities: University of Haifa, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, and Universitat Politecnica de Valencia.
The second symposium took place in conjunction with CAiSE 2018 in Tallinn. On June 12, 2018, the symposium was opened with a discussion on the status of the Conformance Checking Manifesto. This manifesto was a target output of the brainstorm seminar that took place earlier that year.
Aside from discussing the Conformance Checking manifesto, six partners of the SRC presented some research of their group, relevant to the community. The presenting partners were Eindhoven University of Technology (Massimiliano de Leoni), WU Vienna (Jan Mendling), VU Amsterdam (Henrik Leopold), KULeuven (Monique Snoeck), University of Melbourne (Marcello La Rosa), and Hasselt University (Mieke Jans). The symposium was concluded by discussing the next, valuable activities.
The third symposium took place in Vienna, on September 4, 2019, in conjunction with BPM 2019.