The idea of a Belgian research day on process mining (BPMRD) arose at a meeting of (mainly Belgian) process mining researchers at the international Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE) 2011 in London and took place for the first time in 2011 at Hasselt University. After the second edition in 2012 in Ghent, the initiative stagnated. In 2016, the initiative was re-launched and it fostered again inspiring research discussions.
With the advent of this international research community, the Belgian initiative is enriched with keynotes of the international community.
BPMRD 2021
On February 4, 2021, the annual Belgian Process Mining Research Day took place in a virtual setting. It was opened with a keynote talk by Marco Montali (University of Bolzano). His talk, ‘Semantic technologies for data preparation in process mining’ addressed the challenges of and a solution to many-to-many relations between potential process instances.
See this link for the program.
BPMRD 2018
On June 1, 2018, the annual Belgian Process Mining Research Day took place at KULeuven.
See this site for more information.
BPMRD 2017
On May 31, 2017, the annual Belgian Process Mining Research Day took place at Ghent University. Barbara Weber (University of Denmark) gave a keynote on dealing with event data stemming from different modalities.
See this site for more information.